Sunday, March 30, 2025

5 Ancillary Services to Boost Golf Car Dealership Profitability

Whether you are a new golf car dealership or a used or custom golf car business, adding services to your primary offering is a great way to boost profits. If your dealership is established and running like a well-oiled machine, consider adding any of these value-added services.

  1. Golf Car Rentals

For dealerships located in vacation destination areas or golf car communities, golf car rentals are a quick way to add to the bottom line. Whether you physically rent the golf cars from your location or provide them as an add on to vacation or Airbnb rentals, golf car rentals are in high demand. One South Florida vacation rental agency partners with a local golf car dealer to provide golf cars as rental add on. The golf cars rent for $250/week.

  1. Golf Car Repair

If your dealership does not already offer golf car repair, adding the service can immediately boost your revenue. From oil changes to winterizing to battery checks and replacement, golf cars frequently need service attention. What may seem like a simple maintenance item may present a challenge for a senior customer or even someone who does not have the necessary knowledge to maintain their own golf car. Creating a regular maintenance schedule with customer reminders can easily add some monthly income to your golf car business. 

  1. Mobile Golf Car Battery Service

Golf car batteries are one of the most commonly requested service items in the golf car industry. A mobile golf car service van could easily stay busy with mobile golf car battery replacement. Upselling customers with new terminals and cables and providing an education about battery maintenance will keep the side money flowing in and ensure that referral business is always scheduled. In addition to individual golf car owners, a mobile service can contract with airports, auctions, shopping malls and anywhere else fleets of golf cars will need regular battery maintenance and replacement.

  1. Custom Golf Car Painting

For years I watch a man at the local flea market collect cash all day long for custom painting golf car bodies. In my area, the man has dominated the market. Bringing a custom golf car body painter on board, even as a subcontractor is a great way to bring extra cash into your business right away. 

  1. Golf Car Transport

In cities such as Wilmington and Nashville, golf cars zoom around providing taxi services. If your golf car dealership is in a metropolitan area, adding a golf car taxi service may be the perfect value added for your business. The golf car taxis are street legal with all of the required safety features and are classified as slow moving vehicles. Many golf car taxi services are partnering with Uber and Lyft for an immediate flow of customers. 

Don’t allow your traditional golf car dealership to go stale or fall short. Add an exciting new ancillary service to keep your community talking about your business and keep the revenue coming in from all directions.

Julie Starr, Owner of WHEELZ Custom Carts & Accessories, was one of the industry’s first online retailers of golf cart parts, when she founded her business in 2008. Julie’s eCommerce store, remains a popular online shopping experience for innovative golf car parts and accessories.