Saturday, February 22, 2025

Run Like the Wolf with TEEKON™ by SilverWolf

Golf car owners have been howling for more speed and range and SilverWolf is answering the call with their recently launched upgrade kit, aptly named TEEKON. Targeted to owners of these small yet capable eVehicles, using them to get around their neighborhood, traverse the resort or campus, or just hang out with their friends, TEEKON brings the reality to go further and faster on a single charge. Delivering 20% greater range, 60% less weight than other DC to AC conversion kits, while still offering 56% more speed and acceleration, this kit is not intended for the faint of heart.

Founded in 2011 in the heart of Canada’s technology triangle, SilverWolf, with their technological leadership in the field of power enhancing kits for Low-Speed Vehicles, is widely accepted to be an industry first mover. They offer golf car power enhancement kits that bring both superior performance and speed to underpin the growing demand for street legal golf cart and lifted golf cars. Greater motor efficiency, vehicle range, speed and acceleration are all standard traits offered in lighter, Plug ‘n Play installations along with a sophisticated smartphone app compatible with both iPhone and Android devices.

TEEKON is SilverWolf’s newest release to the marketplace and is a Rear Wheel Drive (RWD), Plug ‘n Play upgrade kit providing golf car enthusiasts with increased performance without sacrificing battery life. Today, the kit brings greater range, power, and speed to Club Car stock DC electric golf cars with expansion to E-Z-GO compatibility expected to launch later in the year. TEEKON however is by no means a lone wolf; back in 2014, SilverWolf launched a geared 4WD kit and will be launching later this year TEEKON’s pack mate, DISCOVERY, a 4WD direct-drive, fully reversing bolt-on motors kit. Both TEEKON and DISCOVERY are designed to work together seamlessly, offering riders the best of both worlds—speed and muscle. Like all electric vehicle manufacturers however, keeping an eye on how these features impacts battery life is key; a concept intrinsic to SilverWolf engineers. “We don’t simply bring products with a feature set of faster and stronger, but also are respectful of battery usage. We want to go faster and across more challenging terrain, but we don’t want to have to pack up our toys and go home after just 30 minutes,” said support engineer, Chris Heidebrecht. The combination of greater efficiency derived from the AC PM motor technology, smart battery management built right into both the motor and the controller, all working together are what really deliver on the promise of greater range.

SilverWolf is known for bringing to market, high-quality, dependable products and TEEKON certainly fits that mold, combining a 12 hp AC Permanent Magnet motor, 840-amp controller, Plug ‘n Play wiring harness and a powerful smartphone app. One aspect that really sets TEEKON and DISCOVERY apart from other kits on the market are their proprietary motors. By utilizing AC Permanent Magnet technology, one that major electric vehicle automakers such as TESLA have begun to adopt in their newest models, TEEKON & DISCOVERY have elevated the golf car motor experience to a technological level that newer electric cars utilize. Previously, the electric car industry heavyweights relied on AC Induction motors but have begun switching to AC Permanent Magnet motors. TEEKON’s motor delivers 75Nm of torque and 8000 RPM @48V – an impressive feat. 

These motors don’t just provide greater torque but greater torque sooner. Right out of the gate, drivers have access to full-torque capabilities; meaning they don’t have to wait and build up speed or momentum while heading into town for a cold one, before climbing a hill or fording a stream.  

Not to be overlooked is TEEKON’s high power controller and necessary high power 2-gauge cables—both indicative of the extra oomph SilverWolf kits offer.  TEEKON’s 840 Amp AC Controller is optimized for the latest in Lithium-Ion Battery Technology. What does this all mean? More speed, up to 32mph, but also smooth speed right from a full stop.

While offering 56% more speed and acceleration, this kit is not intended for the easily intimidated. However, safety was not left out of the equation. It comes with a built-in safety locking hill hold and a rider profile smartphone app to protect younger or less experienced drivers. The added Bluetooth® Smartphone App utilizes built-in Profile settings so drivers can easily switch between individual profiles customized to different driving temperaments. Built-in profiles include “Turtle mode” for low speed, “Long Range Mode” designed to maximize range, by limiting speed, acceleration, and torque, “Standard Mode” provides stock golf car performance levels, “Standard LSV” delivers greater speed up to 25mph and finally “Sport Mode” delivers maximum speed and torque but requires a waiver to activate. The app further offers an easy-to-read display of Vehicle Speed, Power, State of Charge and diagnostics that provides detailed vehicle status.

Superior ease of installation is built right into its DNA with its Plug ‘n Play wiring harness that connects directly to the car’s OEM harness. TEEKON can be installed by a technically savvy end-user, however its most often sold and installed by golf car dealerships offering customization and upgrade services. These dealers find TEEKON to be an attractive addition to their product line up as they look for distinguishing products that deliver exclusive features, that customers can get excited about, while still offering uncomplicated installation to ensure quick shop turnaround times.  

TEEKON is the most cost-effective DC to AC golf car conversion kit on the market today, with its slim sticker price and its higher mileage per charge. It goes easy on the pocketbook coming in at a slim MSRP of $1,938.00; this kit is affordable to everyone harboring the desire to go further, faster and into more challenging terrain.  SilverWolf hasn’t forgotten the dealer however in its pricing strategy and has established lucrative margins for dealers looking to resell their products. Dealers interested in adding the SilverWolf’s superior products to their service offering, can request a dealer application by emailing them at

Speed hounds are wolfing this kit down, so if you want to get yours, you need to order without delay as they are running out fast! 

SilverWolf, Performance Runs in the Family.

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