Every so often a new product segment releases and changes an industry. The golf car industry is going through this change right now regarding lithium batteries. By this point, most dealers have started selling lithium batteries and most offer multiple options of brands and battery sizes. Because the product segment is so new and a bit technical, consumers have many questions surrounding the new enhanced energy storage devices that are flooding the market. It is more important than ever to have a salesperson that can assist customers with lithium battery questions or concerns to find the right battery for their needs.

The most important part of the lithium golf car battery sales process is the consultation. Lithium batteries are not a one size fits all product. There are many ways the consumer uses their vehicle, different sizes batteries and different golf cars. Instead of a sales pitch, instruct your salespersons to consult with the consumer. There are two main questions that will allow your sales staff to know exactly which size or type battery will be best for the customer’s needs. The most important question is what type of golf car they have and is it upgraded. This will prevent under sizing by making sure the battery can handle the vehicle’s discharge rates. The second most important question is asking the consumer about their range requirements and expectations. Do they need 160 amp hours of capacity for extended run time or will a smaller sized battery give them the range they want? If your salespersons can answer these two important questions specifically to the customer, then they are halfway to securing the sale.

Buying a lithium golf car battery is a larger luxury purchase that enhances the golf car experience. Consumers that purchase expensive products demand extended warranties to protect their investments. Everyone knows someone by this point that bought a cheap lithium battery online, had problems and then encountered an inefficient warranty process or no warranty process at all. Dealers will typically carry brands that have a US based warranty infrastructure, so they and their customers have a domestic point of contact for warranties and tech support. Nearly every customer will ask about the product’s warranty, so every salesperson should go to the product’s website, read the warranty’s fine print, and understand what exactly is and isn’t covered. Salespersons should also have a complete understanding of what the diagnostics process entails as well as what happens in the rare event of a unit needing replacement. Being able to answer questions about the warranty creates trust between the consumer, dealer and product being sold.

The easy customers are the ones that agree to the battery sale and have the dealership professionally install their battery for an additional labor fee. On the other hand, many consumers will want to save the labor fees and do the installation themselves, most of the DIY consumers will be capable, but nearly all will still have questions on proper battery installation. Most major battery brands will have installation tutorials available online that will answer all the consumer’s questions in one 10–20-minute video. It is highly recommended for any salesperson to watch the install videos for the product lines being sold. Answering questions like how to hook up the charger interlock can be the difference between a sale and the consumer continuing their purchasing process elsewhere.

It is difficult for brick and mortar dealers to compete with online dealers because online dealers have much less overhead and can work with lower drop ship profit margins. One advantage I see a lot of online dealers using is advertising the out the door price, which makes the purchasing process much simpler. Customers hate watching the advertised prices increase in front of their eyes when they must calculate shipping (if applicable), credit card fees, and taxes. Many sales are lost when asking the consumer to add on to the already large purchase price of a lithium golf car battery. It is recommended to give consumers the out-the-door price and highlight the extra layer of service and protection they will receive by purchasing from a local dealer.

Every retailer should have a display available for the products they sell. Put a company’s display or build your own rack with at least one battery displayed along with the installation kit. Having product to see and touch during the sales process cannot be underestimated. Please remember when you talk about a 12v reducer or onboard charger, many customers may have a vague idea of what those items do, but no clue of what that items looks like or how to install it. Having visuals allows the customer to see and touch the product and can be the difference between the customer “thinking about it” or pulling the trigger right then and there.

Given that lithium golf car batteries are a technical product segment, special attention must be paid to training your staff on how to properly sell lithium batteries. It cannot be stressed enough, how much the consultation and information given affects the consumer’s purchasing decisions. Making sure your sales staff has the information and tools they need to effectively sell lithium golf car batteries will without a doubt ensure that your business will be known as a trusted battery sales and service provider.