A Hydrometer Can Keep Your Golf Car’s Batteries Safe During Winter Months
Except for some resort facilities in the south and west coast, most battery-powered electric vehicles are often stored during the winter months, where temperatures...
In Search Of New Growth–This May Be The Bridge Vehicle That Provides What...
Despite the many upgrades to our personal transportation vehicles (PTVs) over the years, such as four-wheel disk brakes, rack and pinion steering, optional automotive...
How To Choose The Best Golf Car Enclosure
The chilly months are upon us, but there is no need to pack away your golf car completely. Golf car enclosures have made big...
How To Make Your Golf Car Batteries Last
Nobody likes having to replace a set of golf car batteries every few years, especially if you think you’ve maintained them by frequently charging...
Let’s Talk Tariffs
Even if you have not been following the latest tariff news, you have likely received a few email notices addressing the changes and how...
Small Vehicle Strategies And Urban Mobility Solutions—Where Are We Headed?
Over the past year or so I have been writing about small, electric vehicle developments and how they are directly tied to the evolution...
Keep it RollingAging Gracefully And Active With Golf Cars
By the year 2035, for the first time in recorded history, the US will have more people of retirement age than children, according to...
Drive Time Is heat affecting your golf car’s batteries?
Battery powered Golf Cars are becoming more popular in a variety of industries, especially with vacation resorts that incorporate their own golf courses. But...