Friday, March 14, 2025

2018 PGA Show ReportEvolving Technology & Major Improvements

The 65th Anniversary of the 2018 PGA Merchandise Show, held January 24-26 in Orlando, FL was deemed a major success as the influx of...

Keep It RollingThinking Outside Of The Typical Golf Car Build

When you think of your typical golf car build, you likely think of a lift kit, custom body, dash kit, etc. Most often, our...

Drive TimeDriving Towards The “Green”

For several decades, golf cars have extended beyond the golf course and have been the main mode of daily transportation in resort and retirement...

New DirectionsPGA Show Points The Way To A New Mobility Fu-Ture

More and more the PGA Show is less about golf and more about future mobility. Of course, the show retains its meta-tag, but the...

Keep It Rolling2017 Was A Wild Year: A Year in Review of Golf Car...

As 2017 comes to a close and introduces us to 2018, there were some fun happenings this past year in golf car news. The...

New DirectionsIs Level 2 Charging Coming To Your Market Area?

Aside from distance anxiety, charge time is one of most common complaints and inconveniences a PTV owner experiences—and probably both are the primary reasons...

Drive TimeGolf Car Retailer Offers Tips For Customers On Extending Battery Life

Golf car retailers who want to increase their customer base, as well as customer loyalty, often use various marketing methods to accomplish this. Some,...

Golf Car Marketing 101Promoting Your Dealership Using Events

Being a golf car dealer in this day and age presents an interesting challenge. As a dealer, how do I find effective means of...