Friday, March 14, 2025

Appreciation Is “Par The Course” For Stenten’s

First I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the folks that put us where we are. When I had this crazy idea...

Keep It RollingTransform Your Golf Car Business To Include Social Responsibility

Chances are, you have heard of Ben & Jerry’s, SolarCity, or Warby Parker and understand the concept behind socially responsible companies. These are the...

New DirectionsVision of Future: Near Term Prospects, Self-Driving Golf Car-Type Vehicles and Global Markets

The traditional golf car industry, despite its extension into the off-road utility segment, is still much like the embryonic chick, pecking its way through...

Drive Time with US Battery How To Take Cold Temperature Hydrometer Readings For Optimum...

Don’t be alarmed if your golf car fleet operates differently as the winter season sets in. Charge and discharge performance of lead-acid batteries is...

Keep it Rolling2016 Was A Wild Year: A Year in Review of Golf Car...

As 2016 comes to a close and introduces us to 2017, it is fun to reflect on the past year in golf car news....

New Directions Will the Industry Extend Its Expertise to More Diverse Markets?

I have been writing what has become a series of articles, this being the third or fourth, that in summary are intended to present...

Red Hawk Elf Night Volunteers

For the third year in a row, Red Hawk adopted several Salvation Army Angels, children in need of basic goods at Christmas. Employees collect...

Keep it Rolling ‘Tis the Season for Golf Car Parades

Even down here in sunny Florida, the air is a little less humid, signaling the approach of the holiday season. Around the country, leaves...